Let’s jump in with the original quote. Jesus is actually quoting
Moses here. Just before Israel was to cross the Jordan and Moses was headed to
the pearly gates, he says this. The funny thing is, “but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of
the LORD” (and I remind you I am not a Hebrew expert, I am just looking at some
reference materials) is just 3 Hebrew words, and 'word' is not one of them. Moses
is referring to manna as that which springs forth, or flows out of the mouth of
the LORD. Our life comes from within our Creator, and flows to us from His

Look how wise the little birds are. Every morning (at the very
least) they sit and let their mother feed them whatever she has gathered.
A few months ago I was in a conference, and heard Rick Joyner talk
about “the Manna test” He said “Do we esteem Him so much that we will seek Him
first thing in the morning? This will determine whether you will walk in His
way – Manna is a test because it is daily and humbling” (not a direct quote,
just what I got down in my notes) We need to come to the Lord with a heart that
cries out (like the baby birds) “I must have something fresh from You today! I
can only live by what comes from Your mouth!”
Will you sit with me in the nest today with heads thrown
back and mouths wide open crying out to our Father, “Feed Me! Feed me! I must have
more of You today!” [Tweet This] Let’s live like that today.
Oh – one other thing – when He does give you something, make a
note of it. Let’s agree to highly esteem what proceeds from His mouth!
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