Friday, July 27, 2012

We've Moved

Hi all,

I am still blogging meditations on the word of Jesus Christ.

I have moved my blog to Another Red Letter Day (.com). I will not be posting here in the future.

Please feel free to join me there.

Thanks for stopping in.



In Heaven
We need to understand that Our Father has a particular perspective on our life. There are as many perspectives on any given event as there are people who view them. There was a movie released in 2008 called “Vantage Point” which took an event and replayed through the eyes of a number of people who saw a particular event. [Read More]

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Our Fathers - Stories of Great Dads

Tim Biscaye writes of his dad Pierre Biscaye:
My dad evidenced similarities to my impressions of OT and the NT God.   The dad I knew growing up was much like the God of justice of the Old Testament. When I erred from the designated way there was punishment.   There were lots of house rules and requirements and he also seemed to 'hole' a lot a bunch in his office.  Heck, what did he know, he was [Read More]

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


My dad, Robert Nelson

Our Father (Matt 6:9)
It is significant that Jesus does not teach us to pray in formal and flowery terms. Sometimes that get’s lost in the old translations, because to us they sound formal and flowery. It makes me a little sad sometimes when folks stand up and pray in public and use Thee’s and Thou’s and words they would never use in normal conversation. God is our Father.
I know that there are lots of bad examples of fathers around today, so for some “father” is the last place they want to go for relationship, but that is not the ideal. My own dad was a great father, though like all of us dads, he didn't think so himself. He loved God and was a great example to me of what it meant to live life as a Christian. When I look at pictures of my dad, I think, there is a guy who was always approachable. [Read More]

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

OUR Father...

Our Father (Matt 6:9)
We start this look at the Lord’s Prayer with one simple word
It is not “My Father” but “Our Father
The Lord Jesus is completely committed to community. [Tweet this] One of the things that so clearly demonstrates this fact is the small phrase “one another.” Below I have listed the one anothers of the New Testament. I would ask you to read through them. [Read More]

Monday, July 23, 2012

Pray This Way

Pray, then, in this way” (Matt 6:9)
For the next couple of weeks I want to walk through the model prayer that Jesus taught His disciples. I plan to pick it apart into little pieces, and just see if we can find some keys to unlock our prayer lives.
To begin with this is a model prayer. While I am a firm believer in praying scripture and speaking to God using His Word, and about His Word, I do not think that Jesus was suggesting to the crowd on the mountain side that afternoon that they all go into a dark and uncomfortable place, get real serious, and recite these words by rote. Many of us can recite this prayer without flexing a single synapse (is that singular or plural – not sure.) Prayer may take many forms, but I can tell you one thing, if you are praying in a language you know, you should have your brain engaged. 
Just 2 verses earlier Jesus says “And when you are praying, do not use meaningless repetition.” (Matt 6:7) Yet sadly many who recite this prayer on a monthly, weekly, or even daily basis, have turned it into just that.
Well, I say let’s take this prayer back and let’s make it ours! [Tweet this]
My intention is to take it phrase by phrase and see if we can improve our prayer life. As you look at this prayer, what is your favorite part?
Walk through it with me, will you?
Thanks for stopping in today.