Sunday, June 17, 2012

Lord, I have a Question.

I have never been a fan of people giving me prayers to pray. You probably know what I mean. The devotional that gives you something to read and then suggests you "pray this prayer". It just does not feel right to me. I was never even crazy about telling someone to “pray this prayer” in my evangelism endeavors. It never felt authentic to me. Not my words, not my thoughts. Prayer aught flow from out own passions, my own needs, my heart.
Right there on the other hand, I do see that God took the time to publish a good number of prayers for us, and I have been helped at times reading the prayers of saints of the past.
But I was thinking today about this blog and pondering what to do to make it more impactful. What if I suggested a question to ask God. We know God is the author of all knowledge, and will liberally give wisdom to anyone who asks.  Perhaps a suggested question to ask God would not be exactly like telling people to pray a prayer. And then we could collaborate on what the Lord puts on our hearts. 
I am actually getting a bit excited about the idea of a group of random folks approaching the Father in search of wisdom, or direction. We are all in different places, and have different perspectives. It would be a really great exercise for us to compare notes.
One final thought about this collaborative idea. Paul tells us that we collectively are the body of Christ. We do not get to ignore our brothers and sisters and live alone in this thing called the kingdom of heaven. Listening together will stretch us and grow us. I am convinced of that.
Let’s give is a whirl eh? I actually put out my first question in yesterday’s post. Let me know what you hear. Click here to see yesterday's question.

Thanks for reading!

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